Monday, October 01, 2007

Tell me a story

We remember reading a short story about a newspaper office that filed its regular stories on small cards (it was that long ago). Whenever a story was needed they simply grabbed a card and printed the text. Again. No one ever noticed. So, on a super hot summer’s day, out would come the “Man fries egg on pavement” etc. In the same spirit, Jonathan Jones has listed in his Guardian blog the six art stories favoured by most of the news media . They are:

  1. This is the most expensive work of art ever
  2. Anything about graffiti
  3. Lost masterpiece rediscovered
  4. Contemporary artists as plagiarists
  5. Art historian/archaeologist makes earth-shattering discovery
  6. Restoration stories about damaged art
We would add:
  • A monkey or (name your own animal) creates art
  • Child’s painting fools art critics
  • Valuable art work found in attic
  • Public money wasted on art
  • Celebrity creates art work
  • Record attendances for blockbuster exhibition
  • Local artist denied exhibition at local gallery
  • Vandals attack public sculpture
Any others? You can read the Jonathan Jones piece here.