Jenny Harper of the Christchurch Art Gallery has come out fighting. 'We may open next year but I can’t tolerate the thought of that at the moment so we all focus on this year.' In a recent radio interview Harper told art critic Andrew Paul Wood that reports of the Gallery not reopening before Christmas were greatly exaggerated and all going well, the pre-Christmas date will hold. Plans for the opening are focused on showing off the collection old and new. Harper also mentioned the Christchurch Art Gallery's ‘Five Great Works’ scheme. The first of these was Michael Parekowhai’s Chapman’s Homer, the second Bill Culbert’s Bebop with both lined up for foyer spots opening day. The third will be the Martin Creed neon. And then it’s two more to go.
Image: Justin Paton’s prescient exhibition of architectural deconstruction De-Building, closed when the quakes shut down the Christchurch Art Gallery in September 2010
Image: Justin Paton’s prescient exhibition of architectural deconstruction De-Building, closed when the quakes shut down the Christchurch Art Gallery in September 2010