An ear to the ground at the Frieze Art Fair:
“You talk to them, they’ll talk to George and
George, can get back to us via Gina. Then maybe we can do something.”
“All I can say is whatever you think of his
collection it certainly works in dollar terms.”
Collector: “I’ve got one of those but I think it is
a different size.”
Dealer: “Yes they do come in different sizes.”
Collector: “I don’t like that.”
A: “There aren’t any labels, so how do you know who
did what?”
B: “If you don’t know who they’re by you can’t
afford them.”
A: “Love your trousers.”
B: “Thank you, they’re green.”
A: “I noticed.”
A: “That guy is totally of the moment.”
B: “Who is he?”
A: “Can’t remember.”
A: “Is it just me or are things getting smaller and
smaller and costing more and more?”
B: “Mostly you I think.”
A: “Well at least we’re not screwing anyone over
and that’s a good thing. Right?”
B: (uncomfortable silence)
Collector: “I do so love Struth.”
Dealer: “Actually this one is by Wolfgang Tillmans.”
Collector: “Oh, I’m not so sure about Tillmans.”
Collector on the phone: “Where are you? Oh. Have
you seen anything… me? …no… it’s all either too big or too blue.”