Monday, February 28, 2011


As the terrible number of lives lost continues to grow the best news you can get out of Christchurch at the moment is news that friends and colleagues are safe. We have heard the following people and their immediate families are ok, although in some cases there has been serious property damage: Andrew Drummond, Neil Dawson, Bill Hammond, Paul Johns, Tony de Lautour, Justin Paton and the staff of the Christchurch Art Gallery, Jonathan Smart and Heather Straka.

There has been some damage to work in the Christchurch Art Gallery but it has been limited and the hanging system ensured most of the works were secure even through the worst of the shaking. The Physics Room is closed until nearby buildings are stabilised and Scape has been cancelled.

We are happy to pass on any news about people in the arts community or help in any way. You can email us at the addresses on the right hand of the screen.
Images: The statues of John Robert Godley and Captain Scott toppled from their stands.