Friday, March 27, 2009

Never mind the quality, feel the width

The OTN statistics unit usually restricts themselves to their By the numbers feature but, every now and then, we let them go behind the bike sheds and take a measure of what’s on show. Here is their latest report.

Generally the exhibiting spaces at the 2009 Auckland Art Fair are smaller than in past years. Most galleries have opted for spaces where the longest wall averages six metres. In this camp are Gow Langsford, Roslyn Oxley, Ivan Anthony and Ray Hughes. Michael Lett at 7 metres and Peter McLeavey at 7.2 metres are probably chagrined to find their longest walls are both over half a metre shorter than Sue Crockford's, and Anna Swartz secretly delighted that hers is longer than both of them. For length, at the Art Fair anyway, the prize goes to Hamish McKay at an impressive 10 metres. Galleries with walls 4.8 metres and less have asked not to be named.